CLI Documentation

The SSIN CLI tool provides command-line utilities for validating and generating Belgian Social Security Identification Numbers. It’s available as both an npm package and as standalone executables for all major platforms.



npm install -g @bn3t/ssin-lib

Standalone Executables

Pre-built executables are available for each release on GitHub:

  • Windows: ssin-win.exe
  • macOS: ssin-macos (Intel and Apple Silicon)
  • Linux: ssin-linux

Download the appropriate executable for your platform from the releases page.


Validate SSIN

Validate an existing SSIN number:

ssin validate 05.02.09-407.53

Or without formatting:

ssin validate 05020940753

Output example:

✓ Valid SSIN
Formatted: 05.02.09-407.53
Birth Date: 2005-02-09
Gender: MALE

Generate SSIN

Generate a new SSIN number:

# Basic generation with required parameters
ssin generate -d 2005-02-09 -g M -o 407

# Or with long options
ssin generate --date 2005-02-09 --gender M --order 407


  • -d, --date: Birth date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • -g, --gender: Gender (M/F)
  • -o, --order: Order number (001-997 for males, 002-998 for females)

Output example:

Generated SSIN: 05.02.09-407.53

Help Commands

Get general help:

ssin --help

Get command-specific help:

ssin validate --help
ssin generate --help


Validation Examples

# Validate a formatted SSIN
ssin validate 05.02.09-407.53

# Validate an unformatted SSIN
ssin validate 05020940753

# Validate with verbose output
ssin validate -v 05.02.09-407.53

Generation Examples

# Generate for a male
ssin generate -d 2005-02-09 -g M -o 407

# Generate for a female
ssin generate -d 2005-02-09 -g F -o 408

# Generate with random order number
ssin generate -d 2005-02-09 -g M --random-order

Error Messages

The CLI provides clear error messages for various scenarios:

# Invalid format
$ ssin validate 1234
 Error: Invalid SSIN format. Must be 11 digits.

# Invalid check digits
$ ssin validate 05020940754
 Error: Invalid check digits.

# Invalid birth date
$ ssin validate 99139940753
 Error: Invalid birth date.

Environment Variables

You can configure certain behaviors using environment variables:

  • SSIN_NO_COLOR: Disable colored output
  • SSIN_FORMAT: Set default output format (raw/formatted)


export SSIN_NO_COLOR=1
ssin validate 05020940753


Using in Scripts

The CLI is designed to be script-friendly:

# Check exit code
if ssin validate 05020940753 > /dev/null; then
    echo "Valid SSIN"

# Process output
SSIN=$(ssin generate -d 2005-02-09 -g M -o 407 --raw)
echo "Generated: $SSIN"

Batch Processing

Process multiple SSINs from a file:

# Process a list of SSINs
while read -r ssin; do
    ssin validate "$ssin"
done < ssins.txt

Best Practices

  1. Use Raw Format in Scripts:

    ssin validate --raw 05020940753
  2. Validate Input First:

    if ssin validate "$input"; then
        # Process valid SSIN
  3. Use Verbose Mode for Debugging:

    ssin validate -v "$input"


Common issues and solutions:

  1. Permission Denied

    # For standalone executables
    chmod +x ./ssin-linux
  2. Command Not Found

    # For npm installation
    npm list -g @bn3t/ssin-lib

Platform-Specific Notes


  • The executable can be run from Command Prompt or PowerShell
  • Consider adding the executable location to your PATH


  • Both Intel and Apple Silicon binaries are provided
  • You may need to allow execution in Security & Privacy settings


  • The executable is built for x86_64
  • Make sure to set executable permissions


To update the CLI:

NPM Version

npm update -g @bn3t/ssin-lib

Standalone Executables

Download the latest version from the releases page.


If you encounter any issues:

  1. Check the GitHub Issues
  2. Create a new issue if needed
  3. Include your platform and CLI version (ssin --version)